TSA is a third party administrator for 403(b) and 457plans. The Web Finance Office will create the files required by TSA.

TSA has three files that may be submitted. A detailed list of the files, the fields included in each file and where the information for these fields resides in the SDS database is provided below.

1.  The History File contains employee demographics prior year(s) 403(b), salary, etc. This file is prepared once for initial plan review.

2.  The Demographic File contains employee demographics, 403(b), 457, salary, etc.

3.  The EPARS File is for remitting contributions for 403(b), 457, etc. It contains employee demographics, 403(b) information and vendor names.


Note: For any questions regarding timing of files to be submitted or how to submit files, please contact TSA directly.

History File Fields and their Locations in the SDS Database
Fields 1-2 are located in the Employee Master.

1.  Social security number

2.  Last name, first name, middle name or initial

3.  Amounts for Fields 3-5 are pulled from the Prior YTD areas in the Employee YTD detail.

Note: Only the last four years will be reported. If you need to report more than four prior years, you will need to restore a backup from five years ago and create another file.

4.  These fields will be reported if the Deduction/Benefit Master is marked as indicated on the deductions and benefits reported to TSA.

5.  403(b) contributions: Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = E.

6.  457 contributions: Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = G.

7.  401(k) contributions: Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = D.

Creating the History File

1.  Enter WFO and from the menu tree select Payroll Processing | State and Federal Reporting.

2.  From the Select Your State dropdown, select TSA.

3.  From the Select Your Report dropdown, select the Historical file.

4.  Fill in the top part of the screen with the correct district information.

5.  From the Benefit and Deduction Selectors, select your appropriate choices.

6.  Select Save Setup. This will retain your information for future reports.

7.  Select Create Report. The file 403bHistTSA_H.csv will be created.

8.  Right click on the yellow file folder and select Save Target As. Change the file name to 403bHistTSA_H.csv and select Save to a location of your choice.

Demographic Fields and their Locations in the SDS Database
Fields 1-11 are located in the Employee Master.

1.  Last name, first name, middle name or initial

2.  Employee status: Employee Type

3.  Social security number

4.  Employee address, city, state, zip

5.  Phone

6.  Date of birth

7.  Worksite number: school location

8.  Pay periods per year: tax table

9.  Original hire date: hire date

10. Termination Date: termination date

11. Years Employed by County: Years in Dist

12. Projected annual salary: Employee Contracts original amount, contract employees only.

13. Amounts for Fields 13-16 are pulled from the Employee YTD detail history. These fields will be reported if the Deduction/Benefit Master marked as indicated on the deductions and benefits reported to TSA.

14. 403(b) vendor name: (occurs five times) Deduction and benefit master, vendor name Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = E.

15. 403(b) contributions: (occurs five times) Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = E.

16. 457 vendor name: Deduction and benefit master, vendor name Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = G.

17. 457 contributions: Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = G.

18. Amounts for Fields 17-21 are pulled from the Employee YTD detail. These fields will be reported if the Deduction/Benefit Master marked as indicated on the deductions and benefits reported to TSA.

19. Salary YTD:G1 gross wages

20. 403(b) YTD: Employee YTD Detail, Deduction and benefit master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = E.

21. 457 YTD: Employee YTD Detail, Deduction and benefit master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = G.

22. 401(k) YTD: Employee YTD Detail, Deduction and benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = D.

23. Roth YTD: Employee YTD Detail, Deduction and benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = BB.

Creating the Demographic File

1.  Enter WFO and from the menu tree select Payroll Processing | State and Federal Reporting.

2.  From the Select Your State dropdown, select TSA.

3.  From the Select Your Report dropdown, select the Demographic file.

4.  Fill in the top part of the screen with the correct district information.

5.  From the Benefit and Deduction Selectors, select your appropriate choices.

6.  Select Save Setup. This will retain your information for future reports.

7.  In the Calendar Starting and Calendar Ending Dates, enter the SDS payroll calendar starting and ending dates.

Note: If you are reporting only one payroll, these dates will be the same date.
If you are reporting a range of payroll dates, enter the first payroll date in the starting payroll date field and the last payroll date in the ending payroll date field.

8.  Select Create Report. The file DemoTSA_H.csv file will be created.

9.  Right click on the yellow file folder and select Save Target As. Change the file name to DemoTSA_H.csv and select Save to a location of your choice.

EPARS File Fields and their locations in the SDS Database
Fields 1-6 are located in the Employee Master.

1.  Employee Number

2.  Social security number

3.  Last name, first name, middle name or initial

4.  Date of birth

5.  Employee address, city, state, zip

6.  Employee phone

7.  Amounts for Fields 7-12 are pulled from the Employee YTD Detail History. These fields will be reported if the Deduction/Benefit Master marked as indicated on the deductions and benefits reported to TSA.
403(b) vendor name: (occurs six times) Deduction and benefit master, vendor name Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = E.

8.  403(b) contributions (occurs six times): Deduction/Benefit Master must have

9.  Active = Y and Box 13 = E.

10. 457 vendor name: (occurs three times) Deduction and benefit master, vendor name Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = G.

11. 457 contributions: (occurs three times) Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = G.

12. Misc Vendor: (occurs nine times) Deduction and benefit master, vendor name Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = BB.

13. Misc Vendor: (occurs nine times) Deduction/Benefit Master must have Active = Y and Box 13 = BB.

Creating the EPARS File

1.  Enter WFO and from the menu tree select Payroll Processing | State and Federal Reporting.

2.  From the Select Your State dropdown, select TSA.

3.  From the Select Your Report dropdown, select the EPARS file.

4.  Fill in the top part of the screen with the correct district information.

5.  From the Benefit and Deduction Selectors, select your appropriate choices.

6.  Select Save Setup. This will retain your information for future reports.

7.  Enter the payroll date being reported in the period starting box.

8.  In the Calendar Starting and Calendar Ending Dates, enter the SDS payroll calendar starting and ending dates.

Note: If you are reporting only one payroll, these dates will be the same date.
If you are reporting a range of payroll dates, enter the first payroll date in the starting payroll date field and the last payroll date in the ending payroll date field.

9.  Select Create Report. The file EPARSTSA_H.csv will be created.

10. Right click on the yellow file folder and select Save Target As. Change the file name to EPARSTSA_H.csv and select Save to a location of your choice.