Revised: 10/2020
The Horizontal View of Master File Changes contains the same information found in vertical view of Master File Data Entry and Changes. The main feature of the Horizontal View allows you to edit information in a grid format for quick comparison and adjusting of data. The grid design allows you to edit multiple records and allows more than one sort at a time by using the Other fields and the concatenate sort in conjunction with each other. By selecting the page size to 50 rows this will allow you to maximize the page length between each save and also using the first field to edit option for quick editing.
The Horizontal View is an edit mode only. You cannot add data in this grid format. Please see Master File Vertical Data Entry and Changes:!Documents/masterfileverticaldataentryandchanges.htm
1. Select Master File Code Entry and Changes
2. Select Master File Horizontal Data Changes
•Entry Options: Dropdown lists all views in this area for entry, a few are not available in vertical view i.e. Invoices Adjustments
•Total Records Found: Number of records found
i. Show Inactive Accounts (Budget Master entry views): Place a check in box to display inactive accounts
•Other Fields: Dropdown lists all fields available in selected view for filtering or searching purposes.
•Other Value: Dropdown lists all values in choosing Select Data in: field
•Or blank space: enter part or all of search criteria
•Concatenate Search: Check this box to have more than one search criteria
•Mass Chg: Mass Change of Data: See link for additional detail information:!Documents/masschangemasschg.htm
•Save: If you make
any adjustments to data on the page, select to Save
•Page: Scroll to additional pages with single arrow. Double arrows take you to the beggining or ending pages
•Rows: Determine the number of rows to view; 15, 20, 30, 40 50
•Width: Increase or Decrease the displayed columns with the width arrows. The Left arrow decreases the visible columns in the display, the right arrow increase the visible columns in the display.
•First Field to Edit: The filed listed will be displayed to the right of the Description
•Sort by: Select the field to sort by
i. Ascending: Display grid A – Z
ii. Descending: Display grid Z – A
iii. Concatenate Sort: Check this box to add an additional sort to your main sort