Gradebook Wizard: Create Gradebooks

Use the Wizard for initial creation. The Wizard will enable you to create all gradebooks for one class at the same time, all on one screen. Using the wizard will also ensure that important aspects of the gradebooks will be created properly. It will put the same grading categories in the same order. It will ensure that the auto post is set so that grades post to the office.

Select Wizard via the option button.

The screen that follows will guide you through the setup process in numbered steps that appear in red. It is imperative that the grade areas (Qtr 1, Qtr2, Sem1, etc.) are created in the main office before you begin gradebook creation.

1. Select a Class: 
Choose the course for which you want to create gradebooks. This drop down will include all courses on the coursemaster that have your teacher code. Once gradebooks are created for a class they will automatically be removed from the drop down box.

The area below should require minimal adjustment on your part, as the gradebooks and the page types will be set up based on the grade area setup done by the office for your school location. The gradebook pages in each class will order on the gradebook tree in alphabetical order by “Name of Gradebook” so you can click in that cell and adjust the name so that they order the way you want to see them on the tree. In the class below, they will order as follows:

American Literature P2 Elg2
American Literature P2 Ex
American Literature P2 Fn 2
American Literature P2 Qtr3
American Literature P2 Qtr4


If you would prefer they order with the term gradebooks at the top, then you can make an adjustment to the Name of Gradebook page before you create the grades. One way to would to put edit the “Name of Gradebook Page” as follows: Put a 1 in front of the gradebook page name you want to be first on the tree, put a 2 before the gradebook you want to be second and so on. An example would be:

1 American Literature P2 Qtr3 (this is a term gradebook that holds quarter 3 assignments)
2 American Literature P2 Qtr4 (this is a term gradebook that holds quarter 4 assignments)
3 American Literature P2 Ex (this is an exam gradebook that holds the sem. final exam grade)
4 American Literature P2 Fn 2 (this holds the final grade based on quarter 3, 4 and exam)
5 American Literature P2 Elg2 (this holds the running total of qtr 3 and 4 for eligibility purposes)

Page Type:
Term: This gradebook page type is for the main gradebook where assignments and grades are entered.

Exam: This gradebook page type is necessary if a teacher wants to include a final exam in the final calculation of the semester average/final grade. This gradebook will only have one assignment column worth 100 points in it for the final exam grade.

Final: This gradebook type is not used for assignments. This gradebook page will automatically populate with the term averages and the final exam grade, if applicable, each time that you enter grades into an assignment column. It will compute those averages based on the % of Final Grade that you specify.

Eligibility: This gradebook page type can incorporate multiple term gradebooks for extra curricular eligibility purposes. For example, it can be set up so that both the term 1 gradebook page and term 2 gradebook page assignments are included in the average.

Do Not Create: This is an option in the page type drop down. As example, if you do not give a final exam as a percentage of the final grade calculation, choose Do Not Create in place of Exam.

Name of Gradebook Page:
This automatically populates and is determined by the Course Description, Period of the day, Report card area where it will post. The gradebook tree will order these alphabetically and you can edit the gradebook page name to whatever you would like.

Choose the grade chart that you want to use. To see the values of the grade chart click on the “Create or edit grade chart link”, located at the top right of the wizard screen.

If your district allows teachers to customize grade charts, you can do so by clicking on the  icon.  This will allow you to add your own grades and values.  If grade values are to be rounded up or down, that needs to be reflected in the grade chart.  For example, if the lowest value for an A is a 93, but 92.5 is to round up to 93, make sure to set the lowest value to 92.5.  Once you have created a grade chart it is only available to you, not other teachers.


Autopost:  This sets up a relationship between this gradebook page and the office grades area.   The gradebook page grade will post to this area for report cards.  As this is usually set by the office, do not change this area without checking with your administrators.  


% of Final Grade: Enter the weight to be assigned to this gradebook page average in the calculation of the final grade.  If you want your term 1 and term 2 to be worth 40% and the exam to be worth 20% then enter those values. 


2. Term Page Options:

Select the assignment/grading categories that you want included in your gradebook page.  You must select at least one category.  As this list is controlled by the office, if you do not see a category that you would like, ask the system administrator to add it.

If you leave the weights at 0 then the class average and letter grade will be figured by adding a total of the points earned and possible of all assignments, regardless of category.

If you weight the categories, the average of each category will be multiplied by that weight. For example, if the homework average is 95% and the weight is 40 then 95 would be multiplied by .4 and added to the class work and participation averages. The sum would be the class average.

Drop Lowest Score?: If you want the average to exclude the lowest score in a particular category, put a check in the appropriate box.

Eligibility (Summary) Page Options
If your school intends on doing weekly eligibility grades then you should have your term gradebook pages listed in the area below. The summary gradebook page allows the office to get a class average that spans more than one term.

Zero weights for category box: if your term gradebook pages have weighted categories but you would like your eligibility gradebook pages to be unweighted and figure the eligibility grade as “points earned out of points possible” then check the box. If you want the eligibility grade to reflect the weighted gradebook page categories then leave the box unchecked

Weight column: To weight or not weight grade categories? If you do NOT weight grading categories, it will add up all points earned and points possible of all assignments, regardless of category and that percentage is the student’s class average.

 If you weight your grading categories, the weights should add up to 100.  The program will add up the points earned and possible of each category and then multiply that percentage by the weight.  Those figures are then added together for the class average.  As example:

Homework (Weight 40) points earned/points possible is 150/200 =75%.        75 x .40= 30

Class work (Weight 50) points earned/points possible is 321/350 = 91.71%   91.71 x .50=45.85

Participation (Weight 10) points earned/points possible is 80/100 = 80%       80 x .10=8


Those numbers are added up:  30 + 45.85 + 8 = Class average of 83.85


3. Eligibility (Summary) Page Options: If your school intends on doing weekly eligibility grades then you should have your term gradebooks listed in the area below.  The summary gradebook allows the office to get a class average that spans more than one term.

Zero weights for category box: if your term gradebooks have weighted categories but you would like your eligibility gradebooks to be unweighted and figure the eligibility grade as “points earned out of points possible” then check the box. If you want the eligibility grade to reflect the weighted gradebook categories then leave box unchecked.

Weight: To weight or not weight eligibility gradebooks? Typically, schools will leave the weight set at 0 so that they have a running average of all assignments in that class. Here is an example of weighting the Eligibility gradebooks. Iff you enter the weight at 50/50, when you have your first assignment in quarter 2, it will be worth 50% of the eligibility grade.


4. Create Gradebook Pages: Once you have the Wizard setup as you want, click the Create Gradebook Pages button one time.

It will take seconds to create your pages and it will be confirmed with the following message.