Message Center

Revised 5/18/2018


The Message Center provides a simple and secure means to communicate with your staff. You are able to send messages with attached documents to staff members (i.e. Class Lists, Grade Verifications, Attendance reports, Eligibility reports, etc.). This program is ALL SDS and does not rely on an email program. The "Alert Message Bar" automatically appears when a message is ready to be read by the recipient. After the message is handled, the alert is removed automatically. Is there lack of communication within your district? If so, start communicating TODAY with the Message Center!


Access the Message Center

1.  Enter Web School Office and select Look and Browse |Message Center.


2.  Enter Teacher Web and select Message Center from the Entry Option dropdown on the toolbar.

Screen Elements


Help Help = Displays Instructions
New New = Select to clear the message area to allow for the entry of a new message
Reply Reply = Select to respond to the sender of the message you are reading
Reply to All Reply to All = Select to respond to the sender and all other recipients of the message you are reading
Forward Forward = Select to forward selected message to an individual or group Send = Select to Deliver/Send your message to the individual(s) you have selected Multiple Recipients = Select recipient(s) by group or individual(s) in a group
Browse = Displays a screen to help find the Attachment you wish to send Refresh = Look for new messages
Delete Delete = Permanently remove all messages marked for deletion (del?)

Mark as Read = Mark check marked messages as read

Entry Areas

1.  From = The current user (your name)

2.  To = The recipient of your message (who you are sending to) Multiple Recipients = Select recipient(s) by group or individual(s) in a group

3.  Subject = Basic description for the message

4.  Message = Detail message you wish to deliver

5.  Attachment = File you wish to send with the message

Browse = Displays a screen to help find the Attachment you wish to send

List of Messages

1.  To read click the word “Read” on the message line.

2.  To delete check the box on the message line and push delete button. (Box will display after you read the message).

Send/Read/Delete Messages


Send a Message

1.  Click on New.

     To: Click on the dropdown next to “To:” and select the name of the person you wish to send a message to.  To select multiple recipients, click on to display the screen shown below.

     Highlight the recipients and click the to move them to the box on the right.  The  can be used to move all recipients to the right hand box.

     Subject: Enter a subject.

     Message: Enter your message.

2.  Click Send to Send. 


3.  Click OK that your message has been sent. 


Read a Message

Select the message to “Read” by clicking on the word Read on the message.

Then you can read your message and reply, reply to all, and forward the message. You can view the attachment if there is one by clicking

When a user receives the message “You have a new message” will display at the bottom of the screen. By selecting the link “You have a new message” the message center will automatically display. 


Delete a Message

After a message has been read, a check box will display.
Place a check in the box below “Del?” and click to delete.