Scheduling Current Year Reports

Add/Drop List: This report shows all the students that have either added or dropped a course and the courses that were added or dropped.


Book and Supply List: This report gives a complete list of all the courses, course number, book/supply description, and total dollar assigned for books/supplies.


Class List: This report lists all the students in each class along with their grade year, gender and ID number. The class list also provides the total number of students in each class broken down by male and female. Included are the course number, section, semester, course title, teacher name, teacher code, room number, days, and period(s) each class meets.


Class List with Address: This class list includes students’ addresses, home phone, birthdates, ID number, grade year, and gender.  The class list also provides the total number of students in each class broken down by male and female. Included are the course number, section, semester, course title, teacher name, teacher code, room number, days, and period(s) each class meets..


Class List with Photo: This class list includes the students’ grade year and photo.  This class list provides the total number of students in each class.  Included are the course number, section, semester, course title, teacher name, teacher code, room number, days, and period(s) each class meets.


Course Tally: This report gives a tally of students enrolled in each course broken down by gender and by grade year.  Users can select Grade/Years to be included in the report.   


Incomplete Schedule List: This report can be used to find students with incomplete schedules.  This report includes a parameter for Students with Less Than this number of periods scheduled.  The report will list students who are scheduled for less than the number of periods specified and display the number of periods for which they are scheduled. 


Master List – By Room: This report is useful to see what rooms have classes scheduled each period and detailed information about the class.


Master List – By Teacher: This report is useful to see classes listed by teacher and detailed information about the class.


Master List – Courses (Grade Information):  This report gives a complete list of course descriptions and course grading information.  Included are marking periods covered, final grade marking periods, whether GPA is calculated, credits to graduation, credits to GPA and GPA weight code (i.e. regular, honors, etc.)


Master List – Courses (Landscape): This report is useful to view the same course numbers grouped together.  The following fields are listed: Course, section, semester, course title, max number of seats, assigned number of seats, open seats, number of days, term, teacher code, room, period from/to, and links to other courses. 

Master List – Courses (Portrait): This report is useful to view the same course numbers grouped together. The following fields are included: Course, section, semester, course title, max number of seats, assigned seats, open seats, number of days, term, teacher code, room, period, course fees, and book fees. 

Master List – Courses (Student Count): This report shows the number of students assigned to each course in the course master.  It includes course/sec/sem, periods, terms, days, course description and student count


Student Book/Supply/Charge List: This report can be sent home to parents/guardians or given to students to notify them of the total amount of charges due per course/event.


Student Locator Report: This report shows each scheduled student with the class they are in each period along with the teacher, course description semester and room number.  You select a semester and day code to locate the student for the proper time period.


Student Schedule:  Schedules are given to the students listing the classes that they will be taking. The schedule includes the teacher, class room number, semester, term, period, course number, credits, course fees and book fees (optional).

Student Schedule (by semester): This student schedule contains all the same information as the Student Schedule, but groups the student’s classes by semester. 


Student Schedule Edit List: This report is an alphabetical list of scheduled students, with demographic information, that shows their current schedule with detailed class information.  It is used to review student schedules.


Students Not in a Course List:  This report is used to find students who are not scheduled into a specified course.  For example if all students must be schedule into P.E., this report can be run to find any students not scheduled into P.E.


Teacher Locator Report: This report lists each teacher, the classes they teach each period and the room where the class is taught.