Security – Application Access

Revised:  4/2021


This area allows you to Add or Adjust Users and Group Security for the Program Applications, viewing all security options in grid form.


     All Applications – Displays selected areas of the program.

     Reports – Displays the selected Report options in General Accounting Reports and Financial Reports, within the Applications.

     Views – Displays the selected Views [entry and view only] within the Applications.


These areas are divided into two columns each: Access (All) and No Access.
List of Existing Finance System Users
Users that are listed in the Users column will have access to the Finance System. To view the rights of any user, highlight the Name or Login, all rights that have been assigned [Access] and not assigned [No Access] for this user will be displayed in the various areas of the security screen.


User Search and Adjusting Options

Alpha Search

Select the letter to search by, all Users beginning with the selected letter will display.


Name Search
Enter the first or last name, or portion of a name, select Search for User or Enter, all Users matching your criteria will display.

The Users area displays the Name, Login, Security Group [if assigned] and Employee ID when viewing Users.

Security Groups Search


     All Users:  Displays for selection All Users by Name

     Security Groups: Displays for selection Your Defined Security Groups

     Users with No Security Group: Displays for selection Users who have not been assigned to a group, that have an individual security setup

     Users or Groups Created Today – Display any Users or Groups who have been created today

     Users or Groups Changed Today - Display any Users or Groups who have been changed today

     Users in the _ Categories listed will display Users for selection from Your Defined Security Groups.


Change User’s Group
This option will allow you to move a User to a new security group and displays all possible options to move the User into.



     Select User

     Under Change User’s Group, select the Group to which the User to be moved; i.e. _PO Approvers



     While processing the system will generate a Please Wait message. When the process is complete, an information message box will display. Read the message to confirm the process status.



a.   Select OK.

     Under All Users, select i.e. “Users in the _PO Approvers Group”



     Verify Users in the group are correct


All Applications
This option will allow you to view the areas of the program a selected group or user has access to.

By selecting the different options under All Applications, you can pinpoint your view to work with within the Applications, Reports and Views.

     All Applications: Displays all areas of the program

     Administrative: Displays only Administrative areas [Master Files, Administrative Utilities, etc.].

     Look & Browse/Employee Portal: Displays only Look & Browse/Employee Portal areas.

     Purchasing and Disbursements: Displays only Purchasing and Disbursements areas.

     Human Resources and Payroll Control: Displays only Human Resources and Payroll Control areas.

     General, Cash and Receivables: Displays only General, Cash and Receivables [GL/CR/AR] areas.


This area allows you to Change User information, Add New User(s) or Group(s), Mass Create Look and Browse Users, Mass Reset Passwords with an option to force users to adjust to strong passwords, and Roll Back Settings.


     Toggle Scrolling
Allows you to use toggle scrolling to scroll up and down each individual Access/No Access column within groups. With this display option your screen can remain in place while you scroll through the available columns making comparisons easy.



     Change User Information
This area allows you to change basic information regarding a User, or Delete a User from Security.



If you did not set up User, using the Change User Group process from Emp_LB:  You can use the Lookup Employee button to search for matching ID.  This process will add Name, E-mail and Office Phone information from Employee Demographics.



Change User Information: Adjust a User Name, E-Mail Address or Office Phone number, Select Save.



Password:  Assign a new Password, Confirm Password, User must change password at next login;  if you choose to force a password change. Select Save.



Reset User Security Questions:  Select to reset security questions defined



Delete: Delete Employee from Security



Close to Return to main page



     Add New User or Group (New User setup)

This area allows you to Create a New Security User. Select User: Enter the Employee ID and select the Lookup Employee button. Searches for ID and adds Name, E-mail and Office Phone information from Employee Demographics.




To Add a New User:

a.   Enter User ID:  Enter less than 10 characters

b.   Enter Password:  Enter 8 characters to include a special character (i.e. @,#,$,%) and number (i.e. 1,2,3)

c.   Confirm Password:  Enter in password above

d.   Security Group Option: Select a Security Group from the dropdown to assign this User.


e.   Use Security Below: Select a User with the same security access as your New User (This would need to be done before entering the New User area). The new User will have the same settings as the one you selected.

f.    User must change password at next login:  This prompts User to change password on initial login

g.   Employee ID:  Enter employee id, select Lookup Employee

h.   User Name:  Enter User full name

i.    E-Mail address: This allows the user to log in with their User ID or with their e-mail address. No more ‘lost’ ID’s

j.    Office Phone:  Enter Office phone number for User

k.   Cell Phone:  Enter Cell phone number for User



l.    Select Create

m.  Select Close to return to main page.



To Add New Group:

Security Groups allow you to easily organize user security access for various groups of employees. i.e. _Super, _Principal, _PO, etc.


a.   Enter User ID: i.e. _Super (enter less than 10 characters, to include “_”).  The Underscore in the first character designates it as a Group and will allow you to assign individual users to security group.

Note: The password options are ignored for Group creation.

b.   Security Group Option: Select a Security Group from the dropdown to assign this User.


c.   Use Security Below: Select a User with the same security access as your New User (This would need to be done before entering the New User area). The new User will have the same settings as the one you selected.

d.   User Name: Enter Group ame: i.e. _Supervisor Group

e.   Select Create



f.    A webpage message will display stating the new group has been created, select OK

g.   Select Close to return to main page


     Mass Create Look and Browse/Employee Portal Users

This will create a user ID for each active (Pay = Y in Employee Demographics) Employee and set them up for Employee Look & Browse/Employee Portal access. The new user ID will be the employee number. Each user will be assigned a password.



Create Employee Portal Users

a.   Select the Password assignment. After you make your selection, the Create Employees Look and Browse Users selection box will display.

b.   Select User must change password at next login to force the user to change their password when they login for the first time. If unchecked, the initial password will remain.
Note:    If no birth date on file then 12311980 will be used

If no SSN# is on file then 123456789 will be used

c.   Select to Create Employee Portal Users



Note: When you run this process at a later date, only new employees will be created with Look and Browse/Employee Portal area security.


Delete Employee Portal Users


a.   Delete Inactive Employees from Employee Portal
If you use this option, the program will remove all Inactive (PAY = N in Employee Demographics) users in the _Emp_LB group that are setup for Look & Browse/Employee Portal access.



b.   Delete All Employee Portal Users
If you use this option, the program will remove all users in the _Emp_LB group that are setup for Look & Browse/Employee Portal.



c.   Select Close to return to main page



     Mass Reset Passwords
This is especially useful to ensure a more secure data environment. In this area you can reset all passwords for a group and initiate the use for Strong Passwords for ALL Users. The maximum password age (Days) option allows for an added depth of security.


a.   Security Group:  To Mass Reset Passwords for an Entire Security Group or Users not assigned to a group, select the Group to adjust from the Security Group drop down.



b.   Reset Passwords
This will reset passwords for the group



c.   Force Password Change
This option will force ALL users in the selected area to change their passwords on their next login.


d.   Force all users to have strong passwords Checkbox



e.   Allow Save Password (Expires at Midnight)


NOTE: This option can be un-checked but once you leave the security area, if the option is selected, it is PERMANENT.


f.    Setting a Maximum Password Age (Days)

This allows you to set mandatory password age. This feature adds to your security and will force password changes for the user based on the value entered.


g.   Select Close to return to main page



     Allow User to Save Password



     Roll Back Options This gives you various options to Start Over.

     Roll Back Setting (Since Selected)
When you are adjusting security for a user, before you move on to the next user, you have the option to Roll Back Settings (Since Selected). This will undo all changes you have just made for the selected User in the Access/No Access area.

     Roll Back Settings as of (Date)
After you have moved to a different user, the employee will have a list of available dates to Roll Back to. Listed here are all dates of security adjustments for a selected user. If the security adjustment you have made is not what you need and you want to start over, select one of the Roll Back Settings as of date options listed. This will Roll Back the security settings for the selected user to the date you select.


NOTE:  Keep in mind, the Roll Back by date will roll back EVERYTHING – including changes to name, email, etc. to BEFORE any changes were made on the selected day.


     Employee Access Letter:  Select the printer icon to print Employee access letters.  You will be able to select from the Users Added on date or User security groups.



The security program areas are divided into three groups:

     All Applications:All Application Menu selections

     Reports: All reports available in General Accounting Reports and Financial Reports.

     View: All Views [entry or view only] within the Applications.


The program areas for User or Group will be listed under Access (ALL) or No Access.

To give access to a selected new area:

1.   Highlight the area to give access (under No Access)

     To select multiple areas in a block, select your first choice, hold down the Shift key and select the last choice. The block will highlight.

     To pick and choose security options, select your first choice, hold down the Ctrl key and make the rest of your selections.

     To Select All Areas, select the Green Checkmark This will select All areas under Access or No Access.

2.   Select the Access Arrow button to move the selected security additions to the Access column. The user now has access to Employee Attendance.



To Restrict Access to a Selected Area:

1.   Highlight the area remove access (under Access All)

     To select multiple areas in a block, select your first choice, hold down the Shift key and select the last choice. The block will highlight.

     To pick and choose security options, select your first choice, hold down the Ctrl key and make the rest of your selections.

     Click and Drag, you may click and drag to select multiple items. Select your first choice and drag the mouse up or down to select multiple items.

     To Select All Areas, select the Green Checkmark button. This will select All areas under Access or No Access.

2.   Select the Remove Scissors button to move the selected security additions to the Access column. The user is now has no access to Employee Attendance.



Hide/View:  This option under each section will hide or diplay Columns in Application, Reports or Views Group


     To hide a Group from View, select the Hide button, the section will close.



     To view the Group again, select the + button, the sections will be available.