Active/Open a Payroll

Revised:  4/2021


Once the Payroll Calendar Date has been set up, you are ready to select the Contracts to be paid for this payroll.


1.  Select Payroll Processing

2.  Select Activate/Open a Payroll

3.  Contract Selection Option:  Select the Contract Payout Category(s) to Include

4.  Select Contracts with a start date before or equal to: 



5.  Select Show Contracts



6.  Preview Employee Contracts, selected on the right side of screen, are correct



7.  Activate/Open Selected Payroll:  Select Payroll Calendar date from dropdown selection

a.  See below link for more information on setting up a Calendar date:!Documents/payrollcalendarsetup.htm

8.  Select Activate



Edit Payout Category name

1.  Select “Edit” to change the contract payout category name



2.  Update the selection description

3.  Select Save Changes