Job Applicant Information Overview

Revised:  6/2021


The Job Applicant Information enables you to collect information on perspective employees. When the applicant is hired, their information will transfer over to the employee master. There is also an applicant link available to add to your website that will enable applicants to fill in their own information and attach their resumes (http://yourservername/SDSWebOffice/FinanceLogin/ApplicantNew.aspx). The resumes or other attachments can be viewed by everyone with access to this area.  Once the applicant has completed their original application, use this link (http://yourservername/SDSWebOffice/FinanceLogin/ApplicantLogin.aspx) to return to the application process to add, change, or delete the application.


When Job Applicants visit your districts website, make sure there are two links available for them to select.

    New Applicant:  https://yourservername/SDSWebOffice/Financeoffice/ApplicantNew.aspx


    Returning Applicant:  https://yourservername/SDSWebOffice/Financeoffice/Applicantlogin.aspx