Withdraw and Re-enroll

Revised 7/27/2018

When a student is withdrawn or re-enrolled properly, several tables are affected. The following tables will be affected when the withdraw or re-entry button is pressed: Demographics, Demographics History, Daily Attendance, Scheduling, and Student Enrollment. If students are not withdrawn or re-enrolled properly, attendance analysis will not calculate correctly.

Important Notes:

     If you are losing a student, withdraw the student as of the last day the student was enrolled at their location.

     If the withdrawal is because of an in-district transfer, the person who is withdrawing the student should change the school location on the student’s demographic information after the withdraw information has been entered.

     The receiving school should make any changes needed to the student’s demographic information, i.e. address, grade year, homeroom, etc. and then re-enroll the student. The program will adjust the Student Enrollment records for the student in the new school.

     It is recommended that a user in your district is setup with no school location restriction and can see all students. This user can easily move students from one location to another prior to the start of the school year.