“What does it take to do a Payroll?” is a question that comes to mind when looking for a Financial Accounting System. SDS has many key areas to make processing a payroll simplistic and efficient over the web. Read more about Time Entry, Cloning Pay Dates and Processes, Electronic Direct Deposit Vouchers, Time Clock and Payroll Reports below.
What does it take to do a Payroll?
Time Entry can be easily
completed over the Web, by having the ability to clone pay dates and use the SDS
seamless closing processes. To finish it off you can send electronic direct
deposits to your employees.
Electronic Direct Deposit Vouchers
Each of your Direct Deposit employees will certainly
appreciate receiving their Direct Deposit Voucher electronically. Either through
the Messaging Center or as an email attachment. The system provides you with a
separate file of Direct Deposit individuals that don't receive the vouchers
electronically. This allows you to easily print hard copies of their direct
deposit vouchers without having to go through all your vouchers.
Checks with Signatures
SDS Payroll and Accounts Payable checks are
automatically signed as each is being printed. The system has passwords for each
individual’s signature to make printing checks secure. What a time saver! Your
checks can be customized to print on your own check stock you already have
purchased or you can purchase check stock through SDS (One stop shop!).
Time Clock
The Time Clock allows your employees to clock in and out
of the system electronically. Their time is then tabulated by employee, account
number and pay date is instantly transferred to payroll when authorized. SDS
allows you to use three different electronic methods of entering hours into the
system. You can use a bar code scanner, a proximity card or a swipe card reader.
You can also manually enter the employee ID or badge number.