Table of Contents


SDS ACA 2023 Reporting Instructions. PAGEREF _Toc152146437 \h 3

Preliminary Steps and Information Gathering. 3

Setup Steps. 5

Step 1 – Update Web Financial Office. 5

Step 2 – Update the Deduction Master 5

Step 3 – Run the ACA Data Utility Program.. 7

ACA Utility Features. 10

Using the ACA Utility for Mid-Year Rate Changes. 10

Inactivate Part-Time Employees from receiving 1095 Forms. 10

Add Employee to 1095 Dependents. 11

Entering Data for ACA Reporting. 12

1st Area – District Information. 12

2nd Area – Employee Master 13

3rd Area – Dependent Information/Covered Individuals. 21

Verification Reports & 1095-B/1095-C Forms. 29

Data Verification Reports. 29

Time/Hrs Customizable Payroll Report 31

Methods of Delivery to Employees. 32

Tips for 1095-b and 1095-c Forms. 35

Printing 1095 Forms. 37

Delivery of 1095 Forms via Message Center and Email 39

First Time E-Filing or Using a new TCC?. 40

Electronic Filing: File Uploaded to IRS. 41

Third Party Interface (Set Seg) 44

Appendix. 45

1095-B Form Example. 45

1095-B SDS Data Field Reference. 46

1095-C Form Example. 47

1095-C SDS Data Field Reference Table. 48

Employee Handout – Entry of Dependents into Employee Portal 49

What’s New in 2023 Regarding ACA Reporting. 50

Deadlines for Tax Year 2023 Forms. 50

Transmitter Control Code(TCC)- AIR System.. 50

SDS University- Year-End Courses Available. 51